In addition to the new blog, there are brand new additions to these sections of my website:
HISTORY-added images to go with all the books I've done, with easy access for Amazon purchasing. And updated (deleted stuff from) my bio.
CORDELL-swapped out some old drawings I originally had here (ugh) with these real deal photos of me and the fam. Could be entertaining. I had, in place, a photo I took of myself that I thought looked extra debonair, but showed to Julie and she gasped "TAKE IT OFF! You look like you have a 'Jay Leno' chin!" Do I still?
WORK-most importantly, new content in my work section. Four new subsections: highlighting a snowflake I illustrated for this year's
Robert's Snow auction (an excellent cause, do check out all the snowflakes and mark your calendars for bidding dates); some illustrations I did for an ad for Chicago's
Youth Campus; and two sections showcasing some work I've been doing for a graphic novel idea.
Back to the Robert's Snow auction, these guys are doing a great job of promoting the fund raiser, including setting up snowflake illustrator interviews with bloggers around the web. Here's a link to an interview I did with Linda Budzinski at her blog
Just Like the Nut (scroll down to Sunday, October 21). She, as well as all the other bloggers participating, posts links to dates and places to find spotlights of all the other illustrators going up. Good stuff.