The life and times of children's book illustrator, Matthew Cordell.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Pigs in Dogtown
Here's a few new drawings that combine two of my favorite things--pigs and old skateboarding. Always wanted to skate an abandoned pool in southern California. {sigh}
(click and view bigger.)
Now that, is bad-arse! The pool idea would have rocked, I totally agree.
I'm a children's book author and illustrator who lives and works in the burbs of Chicago. I dwell in a home with my wife, picture book author and YA novelist, Julie Halpern and our two lovely children. Life is great, man.
Now that, is bad-arse! The pool idea would have rocked, I totally agree.
the first drawing is my favorite. The pig is chillin, coasting down the block with his eyes closed, like skateboarding is no big thing
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