I would throw some of these up here, but I never know what's safe to do or not do. Things change. People like or don't like. They just ain't ready. So, instead, I shall throw up (but not throw-up! har-har.) some other sketches that have recently been filling the ol' sketchbook. This could be fun...

And while I'm at it, I would love to also share this amazing snapshot Julie took of our sweet lass, Romy Halpern-Cordell. Lookit her all basky in the sun, crashed out after a feeding under her frog/snail/turtle bouncer. Light o' my life, this one.

due to the structure of the head and hindquarters, the second one could be a preswalski. But, if he is a horse ( a horse is anything over 14.2 hands, a hand equaling 4 inches) he could be a tall quarter horse that is with odd back legs. He could also be a Welsh pony who are extremely sure footed, but with large hindquarters. just so you know, there is such a thing as a miniture horse-they stand only a foot tall when they are born.
Holy mother! Thanks for the info. Good to have an expert on hand. I'm working on trying to pair up a pig and a pony and I was going back and forth... Shetland? or Welsh? I'm leaning toward the Welsh (cause it looks more like a mini-horse than the Shetland) but can't decide.
yes, i would go with the welsh too. He also could be a Connomarra. ( think i spelled that right). which aare about 14.2 hands high. they extremely nice ponys and they come from Ireland, in fact, there is such a thing as the connomarra fair there!!! any way, they can also be horses, so i think that he might actullel be a connomarra with odd hindquarters.
Good to know! Thanks, Skye.
I like horses.
yea!!!! i like them too!!
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