Thursday, January 22, 2009

Broked Ice

I just sent off some character sketches for the second mid-grade novel I'm working on. So the ice has been broken and that's good feeling. Now, just waiting for notes and what not from my good peeps at the pub and from Ms. Vail, the book's superfine scribe. Then I'm up and running. Will be a good bit of drawing, this one.

I would throw some of these up here, but I never know what's safe to do or not do. Things change. People like or don't like. They just ain't ready. So, instead, I shall throw up (but not throw-up! har-har.) some other sketches that have recently been filling the ol' sketchbook. This could be fun...


And while I'm at it, I would love to also share this amazing snapshot Julie took of our sweet lass, Romy Halpern-Cordell. Lookit her all basky in the sun, crashed out after a feeding under her frog/snail/turtle bouncer. Light o' my life, this one.


  1. due to the structure of the head and hindquarters, the second one could be a preswalski. But, if he is a horse ( a horse is anything over 14.2 hands, a hand equaling 4 inches) he could be a tall quarter horse that is with odd back legs. He could also be a Welsh pony who are extremely sure footed, but with large hindquarters. just so you know, there is such a thing as a miniture horse-they stand only a foot tall when they are born.

  2. Holy mother! Thanks for the info. Good to have an expert on hand. I'm working on trying to pair up a pig and a pony and I was going back and forth... Shetland? or Welsh? I'm leaning toward the Welsh (cause it looks more like a mini-horse than the Shetland) but can't decide.

  3. yes, i would go with the welsh too. He also could be a Connomarra. ( think i spelled that right). which aare about 14.2 hands high. they extremely nice ponys and they come from Ireland, in fact, there is such a thing as the connomarra fair there!!! any way, they can also be horses, so i think that he might actullel be a connomarra with odd hindquarters.

  4. yea!!!! i like them too!!
