Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Meet me in New Orleans, ALA, etc.

It's been a bit since I've posted anything, but it's not for lack of interest. More like lack of time. I'm juggling three projects at the same time right now. Plus the usual part time stay-at-home Dad duties. Getting a bit crazy up in here.

First, let me say that, by complete surprise, LEAP BACK HOME TO ME, got a sweet review from Leonard S. Marcus in the New York Times Book Review over the weekend. Here's a sample. I'm blown away!

Warmly reassuring rhyme which, with the buoyant lilt of a song lyric, reaffirms a mother frog’s love for her leapfrogging lad. Each time he hops to greater heights, his mother urges the wayfarer to “leap frog back to me!” With a mom like this, being green may be easy after all. Matthew Cordell’s nimble line-and-watercolor illustrations are loose-limbed, unaffected and suitably silly.

If interested, here's the full review which includes another sweet froggy pic book, 999 TADPOLES.

In other news, Julie, Romy and I are New Orleans bound for the annual ALA conference. We are both doing various stops and events around the weekend. If you are going, I hope you will come to one, if not both (!), of my signings.

Both are set for Sunday, June 26:

9:30-10am Simon and Schuster booth #1139-1140, signing copies of LEAP BACK HOME TO ME.
10:30-11:30 Macmillan/Feiwel and Friends booth #1115-1116, signing copies of TROUBLE GUM and JUSTIN CASE. (This is a double header signing--I'm doing this one with my best girl, author/wife Julie Halpern, talented YA author, who's signing copies of her GET WELL SOON, INTO THE WILD NERD YONDER, and brand new DON'T STOP NOW!)

Please do drop by, if you're going to be at ALA. I'd love to sign a copy of something for you, and draw something in your book too.

See you then!


  1. Congratulations Matt! Well deserved. :) Good luck in New Orleans, and say hello to Bourbon Street for me.

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