Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Something else to look at

Hey, guys. This is a little teaser image I'm posting for a great picture book I finished somewhat recently. It will be out May 1, 2012 from Abrams. Um... save this space? By the great, Patrick Jennings! (Click it, make it bigger.) Very, very fun.
Here's a link for ref. But for the love of Pete, please buy books from whatever local bookseller you've got!


  1. Can't wait to see the book! And THANK YOU for encouraging people to shop at their local bookstore. They may not realize the ultimate effect of online book shopping they will realize how much they miss bookstores when they are gone!

  2. Thanks, Tanya! Bookstores are one of my all time favorite places to be. Gotta support our brick and mortars!!

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  4. Interesting post, I enjoyed read this.
