Tuesday, November 6, 2012

HELLO! HELLO! Buy my book = get free art!

Here at Cordell Industries, we are not above a good bribe. So as of today, if you buy my new book, hello! hello!, you will be rewarded with artwork by this guy. Here's what I'm talking about:

IF YOU BUY ONE COPY OF HELLO! HELLO!, I will send you (on my dime) a signed and drawn on bookplate, personalized with your name(s) of choice. This bookplate will be an archival (acid free) label that, once received, can be applied to the spot of your choosing within your very own copy of hello! hello!. For buying one copy of hello! hello!, I will also send you a selection of postcards that feature my artwork, all signed by the artist (that's me). This bookplate will look something like this:

The postcards look like this:

IF YOU BUY TWO COPIES OF HELLO! HELLO!, I will send you (on my dime) two signed and drawn in bookplates, and a signed proof of one of the spreads from within the book. These are proofs that are used to get the book's final printed color just right. These are pages or "spreads" taken directly from the book, flat (unfolded) and in poster-like form. They are a wee bit dinged up from having folks at the publisher glaring at them and then from having my own eyes glaring at them, but this is the nature of the thing. It's nothing personal. Not to worry, they are beautiful and very limited and special! And one of these could be yours. You can request your favorite spread, but it will be first come, first serve. If I run out of hello! hello! proofs, I can offer proofs from one of my other books or come up with something even cooler to give you. Proofs will look something like this:

That top one, I expect, I hope, will go quick, so do not delay!

IF YOU BUY THREE (or more!) COPIES OF HELLO! HELLO!, I will send you (on my dime).... wait for it... a signed print of this (below) drawing from the book that will be hand watercolored by the artist (again, that is me). Only the line art/drawing is printed from my original drawing used in the book. The color is applied all by my own right, non-mechanical brush-waving hand. Along with this lovely artwork you will receive three (or more, if need be!) signed bookplates, of course. This art will be on a piece of 8" x 10" Arches watercolor paper and is ready to be framed (in other words, I ain't framing it). Every one I do will be slightly different, natch. But it will more/less look like this:

Now... you might be saying "why on Earth would I need more than one copy of your book?!" To which I say, "why, to give the extra(s) out as gifts, man!" With the holidays right around the corner, I can't think of a better way to fill that "what'm I gonna give this guy/girl/kid" void than with beautifully illustrated books and free art. Am I right or am I right?

And now... Naturally, I'm gonna need some proof that you, y' know, bought the book(s). I will need to see a copy of your receipt(s). Email this to me here: matthew@matthewcordell.com. Or private message me on Facebook. And I would love it if you could also send me a photo of you and/or the recipient of the book posing the book. I do not want this because I am some kind of weirdo. Well, ok, maybe I'm a weirdo, but I'm not that kind of weirdo. I would only want your photos to post on the blog here for fun (if that's ok with you).

Lastly... No forgeries and no funny business. I am not over here "rolling in it" if that's what you think. Not even close. So screwing me over is not like "taking down the man." I'm just an honest dude trying to make an honest living and trying to shoe the baby and feed the mouths and keep the heat and water on and keep the cat medicated for his constipation problem. Do not soil your karma by being uncool, know what I mean?

Why am I doing this? This book is incredibly important to me. If you want to know the long reason why, click here. So yes, I want to get my book out there and in front of as many eyes as possible, to get as many people as possible talking about it and what it's about, yes. But it's more than that. The spirit of hello! hello! is connecting with people. And I want to do just that. I want to connect with people who are buying my book and who love it enough to give it to someone else and who love it enough to want a piece of art to remember all of this by.

Hey, it's that hello! hello! book trailer again!

Let us connect.

And FINALLY... this offer is not open-ended. It will expire at the end of the month. The deadline to send me your receipts (and photos) will be, let's say, Saturday, December 1. So do not delay, act now, get your holiday shopping underway today!

Well... one more thing. I do not wish to tell you where to spend your money. But you might want to know, and probably you already do, it would be really cool if you bought books at your local brick-and-mortar bookstore. Why? Because bookstores are beautiful, warm places that employ beautiful warm people who love books and love to talk to you about books. Brick-and-mortar businesses keep your neighbors employed and fed and keep your community in good health. If we don't support our local businesses, we're gonna have one more ugly vacant building with one more ugly "for lease" sign in the window. But if you must buy online, by all means go forth! I do not judge.

That is it. Thank you.

hello! hello!

Ok, ok... I'm almost done already. If you like the sound of all this, please spread the word via Facebook, Twitter, email, blogs, what have you. Let's rally 'round this thing why don't we?


  1. I just bought 3! I'm sending you the receipt! I want that proof!


  2. do I need to drag my sorry toosh to an indi bookseller or will you be offended if I go Zon-Prime style? (that makes it sound more like an exciting transformer instead of mama's lazy way to shop)... either way I'm getting 3 so get out your finest shipping envelope.

  3. Thanks, y'all! Brick and mortar is awesome, but by all means, do what you gotta. I do appreciate it!

  4. I could not resist--have just purchased two copies! One for my granddaughter and one for an as yet unknown, but very lucky, child. Thank you for your generous offer. Can't wait to receive my proof.

  5. Matthew,
    Just to let you know I just ordered 6 copies as we have picked your book as our book of the month in our elementary school for December. Looking forward to using it and perhaps having a device free day.
    Melanie Hutchinson
    Collegiate School
    NY, NY

  6. Thank you Lynn, and thank you Melanie! That is so incredibly cool that your school has chosen HELLO! HELLO! for this spotlight. I really appreciate that and you rallying behind it!

  7. Ok, since so you already know I bought the first one (pre-ordered :)) you-know-where, I promise I will get the next two at a brick and mortar. Cross my heart and hope to...
    DIE for all these goodies!

  8. I'm thrilled the I saw this offer before the deadline! I'm looking forward to receiving my 3 copies of Hello! Hello! plus the bonus from the fabulous author.

  9. Thanks so much for your support here, Donna! I will get you in the queue for making and sending out some art!

  10. My Dear Matthew,

    I have secured said books. Hooray!! I would like to send you a copy of the receipt and a little something. Would it be possible to email me your address, or the address of your publisher? I just want to make sure I get it to you in time for the 12/1 deadline. Thank you again for the great book and your generosity.

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