Friday, November 2, 2012

HELLO! HELLO! is just a baby, really.

hello! hello! is a whopping 3 days old today. Thank you so much to everyone who has bought a copy (or copies) and/or talked about the book and/or shared info about the book and/or even thought nice things about the book in spare moments throughout the day.

This week, two of my favorite people in the kids book sphere have helped me welcome her into the world.

On Tuesday, John Schumacher posted an interview with me here at his blog, Watch. Connect. Read., as well as a contest where he is giving away TWO COPIES of hello! hello!. All you have to do is enter your name in the allotted space at the bottom of the blog post. Easy peasy.

Julie Danielson conducted an interview with me here at her column at Kirkus yesterday. Always fun hanging out with Jules and next week she is going to be posting at her blog, 7 Impossible Things Before Breakfast, a "director's cut" version of the Kirkus piece along with lots of sketches, final art, studies, documentation I sent over from hello! hello!.

And today I will leave you with this...

and this...

If you are so inclined or inspired, I so hope you will share the above book trailer and poster via Twitter, Facebook, blogs, or any other preferred social media platform to help me continue on with the grassroots getting-the-word-out.

Thank you!

hello! hello!


  1. I'm picking up my copy this weekend. Can't wait! Also looking forward to seeing more of your process on 7-IMP next week. I shared the book trailer on my FB page ( - hope it brings you some new fans. :)

  2. Thanks very much for hunting it down and for the share, Jayme! Very cool of you.

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