Today is the last day for Auction Two of the Robert's Snow fund raiser. (Anyone who might be reading now that hasn't read my post a couple days back, this is the one my snowflake's in. See initial sketch above-click it makes it bigger.) The auction is said to end at 5pm, but I don't know what time zone they're talking. If you haven't checked out this round of flakes, do so now, right here. And if you're feeling charitable, please do throw down a nice bid on your fave or faves.
In other news, it's that reliably nutty time of year again. The making of and sending of holiday cards time of year. Up until the end of this year, I worked as a pressman at a letterpress shop, so I could print up and produce my own cards and envelopes essentially free. But since I bailed in October, that deal is done. So I put the same blood, sweat, and tears into this year's card but printed up "homemade" instead. Not quite as luxe as our letterpress babies, but it definitely still brings it. All week, I've been printing, cutting, folding, reassembling addresses, handwriting addresses, handwriting return addresses, stamping, and licking envelopes (sick). Soon there'll be close to 200 of these pups floating around via US Postal. So if you get one, please look past the laser print quality and see the love, love, love that went in to getting this done.
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