How would you like a free copy of my newest book, MIGHTY CASEY? Signed! And even personalized!

All you have to do is enter this here contest! The rules:
1. Leave a comment on this blog post. (Click the link at the end of this post that says "comments", and proceed.)
2. In your comment, leave a name--it need not be your real name. Just don't leave it "anonymous".
3. Your comment has to be this (and in this order):
a) Favorite children's book
b) Favorite song
c) Favorite television show
d) Favorite animal
e) Favorite movie
f) Favorite snack
Don't ask me why. I'm just trying to make it fun, ok? And, you know, it ain't gotta be, like, your absolute favorite. If you're like me, that's too hard. Just name a favorite--current or past. In each category.
You got til Friday to do it. That's April 10.
Then, I'll put each name on a piece of paper, toss them all into a hat, and let my 5-month-old daughter pull out the winner. Or I'll do it if she's not into it.
I will announce the winner by also commenting into the "comments" section at around 5pm (central) Friday. So don't forget to check back! The winner will email me her/his mailing info and I'll take care of the rest.
This is all at absolutely no cost to you.
Good luck. God speed.
p.s. Keep it clean. I got kids reading this.
a. Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel
(my most favorite as a kid)
b. Zero - They Might Be Giants
(zeros mean so much)
c. Ghost Hunters
d. Cats - specifically Lila,Lola,
and Halo
e. I love all of the Harry Potter
f. popcorn
Great contest idea!
a) Favorite children's book
There's a Wocket in My Pocket
b) Favorite song
Runnin' Down a Dream by Tom Petty
c) Favorite television show
d) Favorite animal
My old lumpy chocolate lab Sally
e) Favorite movie
Monsters Inc
f) Favorite snack
white cheddar popcorn
a. Ramona Quimby, Age 8
b. Paralyzer, Finger 11
c. Friday Night Lights
d. My cat - Spooky
e. Sixteen Candles
f. Cheetos
a) Favorite children's book - Mr Pine's Purple House
b) Favorite song - If I had a million dollars
c) Favorite television show - Bones
d) Favorite animal - Opus the penguin
e) Favorite movie - Princess Bride
f) Favorite snack - pretzels with mustard
a) Yertle the Turtle
b) All Eyes on You by Justin Roberts
c) 30 Rock
d) giraffe
e) ET
f) cotton candy
Great questions.
a.) Dr. Seuss's ABC
b.) Forever Young (Bob Dylan). If you haven't heard it, download it. If you do know it, revisit it as a parent. It'll make you tear up...
c.) The Muppet Show
d.) Dogs. Love 'em.
e.) The Wizard of Oz.
f.) Cheez-Its
Great questions.
a.) Dr. Seuss's ABC
b.) Forever Young (Bob Dylan). If you haven't heard it, download it. If you do know it, revisit it as a parent. It'll make you tear up...
c.) The Muppet Show
d.) Dogs. Love 'em.
e.) The Wizard of Oz.
f.) Cheez-Its
The Sneetches and Other Stories - Dr. Seuss
Victor Vito - The Laurie Berkner Band
cuddle fish
sesame sticks
1) Shel Silverstein - Where the Sidewalk Ends
2)Something to Believe In
3) Brothers & Sisters
5)Girls Just Want to Have Fun
6) chips and salsa
a. Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle
b. Magic by Ben Folds Five
c. 60s Batman with Adam West
d. Turtle
e. The Godfather
f. Pizza Pretzel Combos
a. Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle
b. Magic by Ben Folds Five
c. 60s Batman with Adam West
d. Turtles
e. The Godfather
f. Pizza Pretzel Combos
a) The Color Kittens (first book I remember checking out of the library, over and over)
b) Greetings to the New Brunette by Billy Bragg
c) haven't watched much for several years now; used to love ER
d) cats--but hubby and I are both allergic
e) Doctor Zhivago
f) pretzels and cream cheese
a)Green eggs & ham (still makes me smile)
b)Tuesday Afternoon (Moody Blues)
c) Survivor
d) Otters (other than my own pets)
e) Bridges of Madison County
f) Oreo cookies
Congratulations, Katie! (Um, apparently there were two "Katie" names. The winner is "Katie" and not "Katie N.". Sorry Katie and Katie N. for the confusion...) You were randomly selected as the winner of the MIGHTY CASEY contest. Please e-mail me to let me know your address, and how you’d like the book signed. Here, please:
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