Now that my latest illustrated picture book, TOOT TOOT ZOOM! is out (written by the great Phyllis Root), I would like to open up a contest to you, dear reader. Simply make a quick comment on this blog post with your name (or a pseudonym, if you so wish) and I will add you to a drawing for a complimentary copy of TOOT. In one week, I will pull a name from a hat and post the winner's name in a new blog post (and in the comments section of this post). Easy enough?
Shipping and handling, it's all on me. So this is at no cost--absolutely no cost--to you.
Drawing will be on Wednesday, June 3. Good luck and Toot Toot!

if i win i promise to read it to some of my little cousins
I would love to show off your work to my daughter and my soon-to-be nephew. By all means, put my name in the drawing. Glad you are doing so successful, Matt!
Cool. I still haven't bought a copy yet.
Toot toot yea!
That would be our second Cordell creation for our library.
Toot Toot Zoom- heck ya! If I win, I promise to read it to my children, my rabbits, and my cats. The dog will have to listen to the Harry Potter book-on-tape, though. My wife never listens to anything I read or say.
Toot Toot Zoom, heck ya! If I win I'll read it aloud to my rabbits, children, and cats. The dog will be stuck with his Harry Potter book-on-tape, though. My wife never listens to anything I read or say...
I would love to have this wonderful book plus your art. Great and exciting. Sonia Neale
Looks like a book my two year old will really enjoy. :)
(I agree with your post about FB, btw.)
A copy of Toot Toot Zoom! Rock on! WooHoo!
Our daughter likes to read every night to us (now that she can read). I think she would love the new book. I know she would like to know that I went to college with the illustrator!
if i win i will read to princess and hershey. i then can once again say... i knew him when.
I'd take one way back here in Greenville.
Congrats on your latest book!
U R my idol. I would pay $10 million to have an autographed book of ur's. But if U give 1 to me & I win the contest then I will give the $$ to hungry children.
Or puppies.
Or I will keep it & eat more Kraft Dinner.
Gimme gimme gimme!
What a great way to start our collection of Cordell creations! If I don't win, you betta believe I'm shellin' out for it anyway. I was just named godfather to my brand new wife's godson last week, so I've got someone (besides myself) to share it with!
Looking forward to reading this one to Zoe, whether or not we win a free copy.
I love your artwork!
Thanks very much to all who participated in the TOOT TOOT ZOOM! giveaway contest. I wish I had enough to go all around, but like the Highlander, there can be only one.
The winner is...
Liz Briesemeister!
Please email me, Liz, with your address, and I will get your signed copy of TOOT TOOT ZOOM! in the mail right away.
Thank you, again, to all who played. Keep checking in often for more games, more prizes, and more fun.
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