Behold! 35 photos from our trip, last weekend, to San Diego's Comic-Con. Complete with annoying captions. Excelsior!

One of the first sights we saw, Thursday, just after we picked up our badges. Retro Trekkers wait for the escalator.

At the bottom of the escalator, they pose for a nice group photo. People gather.

Romy is mesmerized by the many encapsulated G.I. Joe figures. Yo Joe!

HUGE Pikachu in the background. Hard to tell here.

Even bigger. Think Julie's seen one too many smelly Jango Fetts by this photo.

What is this sick creature? He can't scare Romy.

Romy, apparently, sleeps in its presence.

One supercool thing about Comic-con is they provide free bottled water throughout the convention center (see the water cooler in the corner there).

The great syndicated cartoonist, Richard Thompson, discusses his illustration work and CUL-DE-SAC!!

One of the sweet drawings of Richard Thompson during his slide show.

This is one of his preliminary drawings for the CUL-DE-SAC strip.

I don't know what this is (manga? or anime, I presume...), but it looked awesome crossing the lawn of our hotel.

Julie got to rub elbows with one of her schoolgirl crushes, Alex Winter! That's right... Bill and Ted (among other excellent obscure weirdo/funny/artsy films, e.g. FREAKED).

Alvin (of "The Chipmunks") with hat and light saber. (?)

The inimitable Ralph's.

By the power of Grayskull!

Awesome costume. What it is? More manga? Anime?

Old, paunchy Han Solo texts against the wall.

Stan Lee and about 15 people shot out of a private meeting hall and he proceeded to sit on the floor talking to this woman. Everyone stood around him. I took this pic between their legs. I'd become a freak at this point.

Gene Simmons spotted walking around trying to look cool. Sunglasses inside. I think he was walking at the speed of a snail, pretending people like me weren't noticing him.

Many people had this ensemble. This trio was one of the better renditions.


On Friday, Romy wore a Princess Leia "wig" around the con. We couldn't resist.

Nabbed Richard Thompson as he was trolling the booths. Such a nice dude.

Seth signing our copy of GEORGE SPROTT.

He really goes to town.

Not just a quick sketch. A beautiful two-color drawing.

Seth was very cordial/friendly. I think, though, he does the distinguished thing when asked to pose for photographs.

The dude abides.

I caught the amazing French cartoonist, Lewis Trondheim, walking around the booths. He seemed overwhelmed. Since I missed his signing, he very graciously agreed to sign our copy of LITTLE NOTHINGS on the spot. Very friendly. And funny. Just like his books!

Richard Thompson signs.

A lovely drawing which I will show in my next blog post.

The final hours of our stay in San Diego. Ice cream outside!

Baby and Bjorn.

The view from our 19th floor room. Sweet view of the bay! A very fine stay.
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