So... Top Ten things for July, 2009! (in no particular order)

1. FOR JUST ONE DAY I saw an advance copy of this on the exhibits floor at ALA last week. Thanks to a tip from pal, Jeff Newman. Beautifully drawn and a good intro, for me, to illustrator, Marc Boutavant! Can't wait to see this and more.

2. Nutella I've been putting it on toasted bagels for breakfast. It's a good change from my usual bowl of cereal. Is it healthy? I'm guessing, maybe not?

3. Yo Gabba Gabba! I've heard about this, here and there, for a while. I guess it's THE kids show for kids with hipster parents. Checked out a dvd from the library (we ain't got the fancy cable tv) and it is actually cool! Looks like a throwback or homage to, like, those Kroft kid shows of the 70's. I think. With style coming out the nose. My favorite is Muno. Or Brobee.

4. Romy's new tricks. Nowadays, she's babbling (ma-ma-ma-ma-ma....) and popping her lips and sitting up all on her own. And she's pooping the light fantastic (solid foods!).

5. HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE. Saw this last week on opening day cause Julie's a superfan. It's awesome! To be fair, I only read the first book, so I'm not that equipped to talk in depth. But the flicks keep getting darker and darker with just the right amount of darkness. After leaving the theater (gloomy ending) it hit me that the Potter-verse to kids today is what the world of Star Wars was to me when I was a kid. The Dumbledore ending was my Han Solo frozen in carbonite ending. Snif. But actually, I think POTTER is a notch above STARS cause it's BOOKS and it's a friend to both boy and girl.
6. WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE trailer. This is nothing new to the internet. I'm not getting some kinda scoop with this. But we just saw it on the big screen (before POTTER) and it really kicks it up a notch. Awesome trailer. But I'm not completely sold. Still not convinced this sacred kid book needed to be cooled up by the likes of Eggers, Spike Jonze, or Arcade Fire. To be determined.
7. La Croix sparkling waters. A good sub for the sugary sodas at lunchtime.
8. Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast. One of my fave kid book blogs. Great illustrator interviews and book reviews. Good taste in picture books, these gals!
9. Kalamata olives. I'm a fan (but not a connoisseur) of a salty olive snack. We even bought an olive tree this spring to try and do some homegrown. I have just recently honed in on the kalamata. Sodium lovers rejoice! It's like a freakin salt lick.
10. TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT by Neil Young. At this point in life, I tend to steer clear of the music of my time. Keeping fresh with new music is too much time and maintenance. Music gets younger, I get older, etc. And who needs it when there's so much good stuff to mine through of days long since past. I like "Mellow My Mind". Busted voice never sounded so good.
That's it. 10 for this month. Though I may have a special TOP TEN edition after we get back from comic-con next week. How could I not?
Thanks! That's super flattering, coming from you and especially since I like many other things on this list. Nutella=mmm.
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